Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Math Tests

This year I have to take the Teacher’s Certification exam in the General Education domain to renew my Teaching Certificate. I think it won’t be too difficult with the exception of higher mathematics. Math was never my strong point. I’ve spent some time recently trying to brush up on skills I’ve not used in several decades, and it’s been coming back to me very slowly. The area I struggled the most in as a kid was complex word problems. I can remember thinking, “who cares?!” when reading them. I recall one problem in particular that so completely stumped me I decided to write an impossible word problem for the teacher as my answer. He didn’t appreciate my sense of humor.

Today, Lynette sent me an email that made me laugh— a compilation of creative answers to math tests. It hit really close to home!


  1. As a math geek myself...I sooo get it! Ironcially I didnt become a math geek until later in life. I was totally the one who cried in class.

  2. Anonymous7:25 PM

    My smart move was to marry an accountant/math geek! He's the only way I passed the math section of that exam. He looked kinda funny in a blonde wig but he pulled it off.
