Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Simply Delicious

Yesterday started out pretty blah for me. I was tired, overwhelmed by the household tasks that lay before me, and crabby in general. So when Marla asked me to take her to the park in the afternoon, my first inclination was to sigh and think of how much I really didn't want to go. However, I sucked it up, and off we went. Much to my surprise, it was exactly what I needed.

I marvel at the way the Lord has blessed us with the gift of this glorious little girl in our lives. Her zest for life and joyful spirit flavor our days with the sweetest of joys. She's simply delicious!


  1. FUN! Is she in K or 1st? I'm trying to remember where I last had her in class -- I know, not that long ago! How is this year going for her?

    Miss your Christmas service planning. And praying the trees don't do a number on you this year.

  2. What a gorgeous girl she is....she beams that she is well loved! And she knows it...

  3. She certainly is! LOVE the missing tooth... and how briefly the hairbow lasted in these pics. I know that story well, haha!
