Monday, September 24, 2007

Looking Up

I took some time while on vacation this summer to sit on the balcony of our condo and watch the clouds race across the sky over the Gulf of Mexico. I tried to get out there most evenings around 6:30 pm and would watch until the sun set. Some nights Don would join me and we’d watch boats, elephants, cars, and fantastical things pass by.

Earlier this week a tropical depression blew through Central Florida. Don was out of town and it was one of those miraculous evenings when Marla went to bed early and our sons were out. I wandered outside and found a breeze blowing at about 10 miles an hour and temperatures in the mid-seventies. PERFECT! Plopping down in a lawn chair I watched the clouds race west across the sky. The winds were so steady that each cloud had a westerly brush stroke as they rushed overhead. I saw a gargoyle, a wolf, a bear, a fish, outstretched arms, and an angel. Lightning periodically lit up the sky to the west and the clouds were almost luminous. It was better than any movie I’ve ever seen. Incredible! I must have sat there for about 45 minutes just enjoying the show.

I think watching the sky is good for my soul. After just a little time gazing at the heavens, my heart is lighter, my spirit more peaceful, and my perspective adjusted. I could do it indefinitely.

Tonight, while looking through pictures of clouds online, I came across a curious website. The Cloud Appreciation Society. They have a great gallery of pictures should you care to gaze.

I’m hoping to get the daughter off to bed soon so that I can sit outside and look up. Join me and let me know what you see.


  1. The Cloud Appreciation Society.. only on the Internet. Great site. Thanks.

  2. thats good stuff!

  3. I walked out of Publix at dusk a few weeks ago as a storm was approaching and literally caught my breath at the incredible cloud formations above. It was one of those moments when I regretted not having my camera by my side. It was amazing!
