Sunday, August 31, 2008

The past 13 days have been a flurry of busyness. Moving into a new classroom building at school, learning a new computer program, setting up my classroom, choosing music for the academic year, planning a choir trip to England, moving the music library twice, and still trying to get the laundry done, keep the house in order, and spend time with the family. The latter part of the list has been tough to achieve, as the pressure to get the school related work done before Tuesday has been great.

Today I must run to the store after church and get Marla’s school supplies (procrastinator that I am) and still go back to the school and choose the MS literature for the year and then do the same for 6th grade. I’m going to get it all done!

I am very excited about this coming school year—I’ve taught at the school for 15 years, and have never had a classroom to call my own. The past 3 years I’ve had to teach in a multipurpose area with no access to a desk, files, manipulatives, or technology. This year, I’m in a brand new chorus room! I have a desk, stereo, easy access to the choral library, the internet, and technological tools for teaching. Woo-hoo!

Earlier in the week I was sitting on the floor of the room, putting together the visual aids for the classroom and was reflecting on this as students dropped by and expressed their enthusiasm for our new room. I popped out for a few minutes to take care of something or other, and when I returned there were messages of love and encouragement on the board from the kids. This has to be one of the greatest blessings of teaching-- the relationships with the students that often last long after they graduate.

Last summer I wrote about beginning to find my stride as a teacher. This summer I’m excited that I now have a true place to teach and the tools to do an even better job. The ability to work and plan in the same area, easy access to materials, and being able to create a learning environment for greater musical expression are terrific motivators for success. The best part, is that over the past 4 years, our class size in the HS choir has doubled every year. We’re up to 40 and growing—viva la musica!


  1. You, my dear friend, get the award for moving the most stinking furniture. OH MY LANDS all those risers! Good ness! And you had such a great attitude about it all! I am SOO EXCITED for you about your will so enhance your teaching. I remember my junior year of high school I was a TA for our choir teacher and I was always amazed at what he did with the 50 students standing in risers and holding music. Its a special calling!! One that youre fabulous at! xoxo
    PS I DO want to talk to you about the birth parent thing! SO many adoptive parents have been helpful! Its such a blessing to live in a community. XOXO

  2. YEAH for own rooms!!! I am so excited for you -- what a new day and a definite answer to prayer!!! YIPPEE!!! I'll be down next Fri/Sat -- hoping to see the new room.
