Monday, August 11, 2008

Sanibel Serenity

How can it be Monday already? We're into our third day of vacation, although it's really just the second full day. I left the usb cable at home for the camera, so I'll have to post pictures when we return.

So far, this has been a great vacation! The weather's been great, although there has been a little rain. The bright spot is that it has blown over so quickly that we've pretty much been able to ignore it. The Gulf on Sunday was very choppy, but that didn't stop Don from fishing and Marla from sticking to him like glue. I watched her bobbing next to him in her orange "floatie" and could hear her laughter and squeals of delight from the shore. The water was rough enough that Don needed to hold on to her out in the surf, but when he'd need to reel in his line he'd let go and she'd grab his waistband, which was pretty funny to watch.

Last night Don and I went for a nighttime stroll on the beach, and found a great spot to sit and watch the stars. Someone had set two adirondak chairs amid the sea oats near the shore. The view was almost surreal, and we both declared it a moment worth remembering.

Tonight we're taking the girls down to the beach after dark for a "moon party". The moon is waxing and at two-thirds full is incredibly bright. The silvery path to the moon on the gulf, the gentle surf, and the breeze blowing the tall grasses should be more than enough to fire the imagination and create a fun evening.

I love the beach...

1 comment:

  1. V, you are SUCH a good writer! I love reading what you put down in words because it brings me right there with you! I loved the visual of Don and Marla...what a riot! xoxo
